Literature review is the deconstruction of knowledge about the problem in a particular field. In your research paper, it is an important part to focus from where the external references related to your research can be found. It helps the future readers to completely understand the research concept, that’s why it is mandatory to add the references. Literature review generally describes about the necessity of the research, principle concept, methodologies used, experimented results, conclusion and its future scope.

7 benefits of literature review:
1.) The selected literature review must be relevant to your research paper, so that it can help you to learn the concept in different perspective so that it makes you technically strong.
2.) You can select the paper from previous research papers, books, magazines and newspaper. For professionalism add only previous scholar papers.
3.) You should mention the literature details with its author’s name and year of publication.
4.) Get recently published papers i.e. within last 5 years. You can add old published papers in case of unavailability of papers relevant to your concept.
5.) Must take all the findings related to your problem in that paper and publish them for evidence and highlight them.
6.) Write your own conclusion at the end of your referred papers because it may be an outdated paper. Use present sense for this.
7.) Depending much on others paper may demotivate your idea. So try to use one or two alone not more than that.