Do you think writing an Empirical paper is that much scary as you thought/heard from other scholars?? Well, that is absolutely not true. Understating the meaning and the contents of the paper will be very useful for presenting an operative empirical paper. Before starting any work you need to analyze a lot about that certain work. Gathering information, before you start, will sincerely be more helpful to complete the work on time without any hurdles. So study well and get the clear meaning of it.
7 Useful tips for making a valuable Empirical paper:
1.) Meaning and contents of the paper
The empirical paper is research paper which mainly contains the evidence of your research experimentation and its recordings and it should be your own investigated knowledge than the existing theoretical knowledge.
The paper should contain these chapters:-
The short summary of your whole idea.
You should openly address, the existing problem, the reasons for choosing this topic and your research contribution as a solution.
Literature survey should be included under introduction chapter. Add papers which are directly related to your topic. You can also add the papers which have similar approaches, statistics, and concern or sometimes you may include the survey in separate heading.
Tell about your research design, methodologies and the tools used for analytical.
List your findings more accurately and tell about the discoveries that you found during the research. Generally, it will contain statistical reports.
Conclude the importance of the current research and its future scope should be mentioned here
All the references used in this study should be mentioned with the author’s name and the publication details at the end of the document.
2.) Read the guidelines provided, for the researchers, by your university/ institution.
3.) A Clear presentation will give a good impression. So get high-level information about the structure of an empirical paper.
4.) Get a sample paper for the reference. Handpick only an authorized paper by yourself.
5.) Document the research regularly.
6.) Write the abstract once the whole research is completed.
7.) Check over and edit well your document at least twice and then submit your paper.
Record all your own practiced methodologies and its results often.
Record all your own practiced methodologies and its results often.