In India, there are an enormous number of top-ranked universities which take their fair position next to several biggest international universities. The engineering schools, medical schools, law schools, colleges, and schools of India has great respect and famous in the academic and education communities. They consistently provide prestigious Master’s Bachelors and Ph.D. programmes for the smart, driven students. The higher education system of India has been enlarged simply at the remarkable rate in the 21st century and is said to be the world’s biggest having more than 850 different universities. This rapid development of numerous individual universities further generates a range of Ph.D. research chances, varying between cutting-edge engineering and science projects and different programmes investigating the diverse culture and history of the country. The global ranking systems are starting to indicate the development of Universities in India and its rising expertise in the major subject fields. The types of ranking systems used are: QS Rankings which surveys numerous academic experts in terms of the universities reputation and further measure the teaching quality; World University Rankings which considers the universities research reputation and how frequently the universities produce papers mentioned across the world; and Academic Ranking of World universities which concentrates on the total number of award-winning scientists, their contribution towards scientific community, and most mentioned researchers from the given universities.

This thesis writing helps to give a complete and accessible introduction about the top 10 universities to pursue Ph.D. in India along with the information of the universities, its ranking position in the country and ranking joint in the world, as well as the ranking system used by it.
10. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
The Ranking of QS India University is in the 10th position, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) is said to be one among the 23 Institutes of Technology (IITs) of India and was the 6th one to be identified in 1994. Further receiving an ideal score for the staff having Ph.D. indicators, it is said that IIT Guwahati has got high scores for the papers every single staff and citations every single staff member indicators, indicating the research effect and productivity of the institute. IIT Guwahati has got 10 centers for research as further houses are one among the rapid and highly potent supercomputers present in the country.
9. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) has got ninth rank in Indian and is said to be Asia’s ancient technical institution which was founded in 1847 as the College of Civil Engineering in Roorkee. Although, it has earned only IIT status very lately in 2001. Later it was declared as the seventh IIT in India. Further earning powerful scores in measuring the effect and result of the research by indicator, IIT Roorkee stimulates the highest score within the first 10 for the international student indicators.
8. University of Delhi
QS India University is the only one from the two non-IIT institutions that made top 10 Rankings, the University of Delhi was founded in the year 1922 and is currently the largest university of the country, including more than 132, 000 normal students. There are two major campuses for it in the South and North of Delhi having a sum of 77 affiliated colleges and around 16 staffs. Delhi has scored among top five within the country for academic as well as employer reputation indicators.
7. University of Hyderabad
In 2019, the University of Hyderabad has got the seventh rank in India and is said to be this year’s highest-ranked non-IIT university, and is somewhat young when compared with India’s other leading universities that covered so far in the given list and was founded in the year 1974. Currently, it has nearly 5, 000 students registered in around 150 programs (all were taught in English), having a growing number of students from foreign enrolling in the university thanks for its complete Study in India Program.
6. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Heading towards the country’s north side, next in the view at India’s top universities is Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) which has earned sixth place in top 10. Further an ideal score for the category of rankings evaluating the total staffs having Ph.D., IIT Kanpur has got the fourth rank for the papers of every single staff indicators and has got the fifth place for academic reputation indicators. IIT Kanpur was established in the 1959 and it currently has an extensive residential campus having almost 6, 500 students registered where most of them reside in the campus.
5. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
India Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur) is situated in North-East India and has got the fifth rank in the Rankings of QS India University and got a high score within top 10 for International Faculty indicator, indicating that students can desire to be taught through different academic faculty ranges. Further got joint 295th rank in the recent QS World University Rankings, in 1951, IIT Kharagpur was established as the first IIT of the country which was founded to train the upcoming engineers and scientists once India has got its independence in the year 1947.

4. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi) has got the fourth rank in India and has got joint 172 ranks in the World which in fact secures second-highest scores in the rankings of India for the employer as well as academic reputation indicators. IIT Delhi was established in the year 1961 and was lately provided the Institute of Eminence (IOE) status, providing the institute more autonomy on tuition fees, academic collaboration, and course structure and also enabling 30% of the enrolled students as international students.
3. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
This year Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has got the third rank in India and has got 264th rank in the world. IIT Madras was located on the self-contained residential campus close to the Guindy National Park in the Chennai city and has nearly 8, 000 students registered in the 16 academic departments. The benefits of the student from faculties like Research Park of IIT Madras, the very first type of it was founded in India which runs in both the effective propel innovation in the current firms and gives a developing ecosystem for the growing startups.
2. Indian Institute of Science
In 2019, India Institute of Science (IISc) has got the second rank in India which has secured ideal scores in papers as well as staff with Ph.D. for every single faculty indicators. IISc is situated in Bengaluru city (early known as Bangalore) which is said to be the “Silicon Valley of India” for its part as the top information exporter of technology in India. The campus is mere a the small shuttle bus ride from the research institute like Indian Space Research Organization and Raman Research Institute and further there present the latest campus at Challakere.
1. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) has got the first place and secured the highest scores within India for the employer as well as for academic reputation indicators. IIT Bombay was founded in the year 1958 which is said to be the second IIT in Country, and has internationally founded to be the world leader to the engineering research and education, having its graduate that mostly differentiating themselves by their achievements and contribution in the areas of academics, industry, government, business, research and so on.