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What is plagiarism? & Tips to avoid them

Plagiarism meaning:-

Plagiarism is an act of publishing others work without giving any credits to them. In simple words, plagiarism means stealing others work and presenting with your identity. Plagiarism not only means copying text but it also includes ideas, images, videos, and music. You can use other’s work by proper mentioning/ giving the credit respective to the proprietor.

Gains of being plagiarism-free:-

  • You will be the owner of a unique content so if others want to use your information then they have to mention your name or it can be considered as a legal crime.

  • To be free from plagiarism, you should have much deeper knowledge in your specific subject. This helps you to be technically strong.

  • It indicates that you have high durable academic skills.

  • It points out that you respect others work same as your work.

Tips to avoid plagiarism:-

  1. In your research paper, you should create your own content rather than copying from other sources.

  2. Ask your instructor, for clarifying doubts in your research paper.

  3. Have a pre-plan on using other’s information in your research paper with the correct approach.

  4. Take regular notes, during the research, with a proper source of the collected information.

  5. Use quotation marks to mention others work - it shows that you have referred others work to have much deeper knowledge in your relevant field.

  6. Mention the proprietor name on using their information/data.

  7. Sidestep from free software’s, and website for checking plagiarism because it doesn’t have an effective database.

  8. Use payable plagiarism checker to have updated source of information.

  9. Take time to learn about rephrasing a content- it helps much to tell of the same meaning in a reformed way.

  10. Check two times your documented research paper with proofreading and editing with writing experts.


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